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Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Sorry for the late post.. :)

Eid ul Adha : The Story of Great Trial of Sacrifice

Eid ul Adha is one of the precious moment for all Moslem. This is the best moment for them to share, to sacrifice, and bring the happiness toward others. Even though most of Moslem have been waiting for the celebration of Eid ul Adha, we’re pretty sure that some of them don’t know yet about what is actually the spirit of Eid ul Adha, the story behind it, and why do Moslem  need to sacrifice certain animal to commemorate this? To answer those questions, you need to check this information!

The History of Eid ul Adha
The history behind Eid-ul-Adha follows the story of the faithful Prophet Abraham (R.A). He was instructed in a dream by Allah  to raise the foundations of  the holy Kaaba, a black stone, the most sacred Muslim shrine in Mecca. Immediately responding to the Lord’s call, Prophet Abraham (R.A)   set off for Mecca along with his wife and son, Ishmael. Prophet Abraham (R.A) had to face a lot of hardships in his way . However, he supplicated Allah’s commands uncomplaining. In a divine dream, he also saw himself sacrificing his son Ishmael for Allah’s sake. When he told this to Ishmael, the latter immediately asked his father to carry out Lord’s commands without faltering and assured that he was completely ready to give up his life for God. Abraham could not bear to watch his son die so he covered his eyes by a blindfold. When he cut Ishmael’s throat and removed the blindfold,   miraculously enough  he was astonished to see that Ishmael was unharmed and instead, he found a dead lamb  which was slaughtered, And this is what Abraham ultimately sacrificed.
In remembrance of this outstanding act of sacrifice (qurbani) by Prophet Abraham(R.A), people sacrifice a lamb, goat, ram or any other animal on Eid-ul-Adha and give the meat to friends, neighbors, relatives and the needy. People who are away from the holy pilgrimage, Hajj, also carry out this traditional sacrifice.

 The spirit of Eid ul Adha

The spirit of Eid ul Adha is a direct result of the amount of sacrifices we make prior to it. In other words, investing our time, money, and wealth translates into not only self-contentment but also to a successful and joyous Eid.Thus, it is not surprising that even though we do not put in as much effort as we should in the month of Ramadhan, the little that we do has an impact on ourselves and makes us feel deserving of celebration when Eid ul Adha comes around.
 Why do Muslims sacrifice an animal on this day?
During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, Muslims commemorate and remember Abraham's trials, by themselves slaughtering an animal such as a sheep, camel, or goat. This action is very often misunderstood by those outside the faith.
Allah has given us power over animals and allowed us to eat meat, but only if we pronounce His name at the solemn act of taking life. Muslims slaughter animals in the same way throughout the year. By saying the name of Allah at the time of slaughter, we are reminded that life is sacred.
The meat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others. One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, one-third is given away to friends, and one-third is donated to the poor. The act symbolizes our willingness to give up things that are of benefit to us or close to our hearts, in order to follow Allah's commands. It also symbolizes our willingness to give up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need. We recognize that all blessings come from Allah, and we should open our hearts and share with others.
It is very important to understand that the sacrifice itself, as practiced by Muslims, has nothing to do with atoning for our sins or using the blood to wash ourselves from sin. This is a misunderstanding by those of previous generations: "It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches Him." (Qur'an 22:37)
The symbolism is in the attitude - a willingness to make sacrifices in our lives in order to stay on the Straight Path. Each of us makes small sacrifices, giving up things that are fun or important to us. A true Muslim, one who submits his or herself completely to the Lord, is willing to follow Allah's commands completely and obediently. It is this strength of heart, purity in faith, and willing obedience that our Lord desires from us.
 What else do Muslims do to celebrate the holiday?
 On the first morning of Eid al-Adha, Muslims around the world attend morning prayers at their local mosques. Prayers are followed by visits with family and friends, and the exchange of greetings and gifts. At some point, members of the family will visit a local farm or otherwise will make arrangements for the slaughter of an animal. The meat is distributed during the days of the holiday or shortly thereafter.
Finally, by knowing the spirit of Eid ul Adha, hopefully , we as a moslem are aware of the meaning of our sacrifice, and having an eagerness to help others so that they can also be joyous on this occasion of Eid.
“We wish you a  very happy and joyous Eid”


Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

The Importance of Writing Academics Articles for University Students

Writing is an essential element of a strong undergraduate education. It contains the necessary and innovative features for the students to develop their academic skills. Since most of university students are required to make thesis as their passing grade, automatically, they are demanded to have knowledge of writing as well. Therefore, the students need to practice their writing skills from the simple thing in advance. One of the easiest exercises is writing the academic article. Writing academic article is a good beginning for the students not only in improving their writing skills but also in developing their academic argument as well as in conveying their aspiration trough it.
First of all, we have to know why writing an academic article can improve the students writing skill. Writing an academic article is not that easy as everyone can do it. However this is also not too difficult for university students to begin with. The main important thing that the students should know is the basic concept of writing. They should be able to organize good sentences so that they are able to make well organize article. In doing this process, the students should have a lot of vocabularies knowledge and mastering certain aspect like grammar and structure. Thus, by writing an academic article, the students are triggered to learn on how they can develop their vocabularies and making some ideas based on grammatical rule and well structured sentences. Finally, when they have those abilities already, their writing skill will be improved and getting better step by step.  
Second of all, writing an academic article also helps students to develop their academic arguments. In writing articles, the students not only expected to give their own opinion about certain issue, or showing their idea without logical analysis. That is why, they are also demanded to have ability in exploring their ideas and analyze an issue critically. Under this condition, it triggers the students to gain information as much as possible from many literatures, books, or other beneficial resources. They read a lot so that they have expansion of knowledge and finally, they are able to show their ideas and opinion intelligibly.
 Last but not least, writing academic article can be an appropriate media for the students to convey their aspirations. Since university students tend to like criticize something, writing an academic article is a smart way for the students to express their opinion and criticized certain phenomenon around them. For example, when they want to criticize government policy about education, they can express their feeling appropriately trough writing an article about education.  Instead of doing demonstration which cause a chaos, articles is more acceptable for society or government to get the message and values of what the students want to deliver so that government and society are aware of what exactly happened in their circumstances.
In conclusions, writing academic articles is a good way to get students to expand their knowledge, to improve their writing skill, to think seriously about the meanings of common elements in daily life and to frame academic discussion around them.